Its August and that weird empty feeling hits yet again. Summer ends, school begins. I just don't like August and really never have.
Laila starts school in a week and again this mother is not ready. I'm enjoying the late nights, lazy mornings, and just the freedom that summer always brings. This week, the last week, is full of all the last minute things. Home visit from Lailas teacher, ballet try-outs, Lailas doctor appointment, last bit of school supplies, trying to finish as much as our summer list as possible. Oh, I want to start all over again.
We just got back from our almost 2 week vacation, and like everybody else our vacation was anything but relaxing. Cramming everything we could in, and still not getting everything in due to lack of time.
We hit up a Tigers games at Comerica (Lailas first home game), birthdayparty for our niece, meeting the newest member of the family (gah Benji...so cute! Just look at the pic), deck party, and FAMILY FEUD.

The Zell Family flew down to Atlanta and taped the show! Oh my word! Steve Harvey had me rolling, I had tear in my eyes. The whole experience was crazy and awesome and exhausting..so many emotions in so little days. We will air sometime in May or June...so stay tuned!

My health has been so amazing, I have no complaints. My lungs are working better than ever and I say a thankful prayer at least 2 times a day. I am so blessed to have this blinged out gift. I really hope one day I can thank my donor as best as I can. I hope that one day I will hear from them. This part is hard. I always imagined I would hear from them, that I would meet my family. Get to hear stories of my donor. Still praying that they find comfort, and that one day they will want to hear from me and know how grateful I really am...words honestly will never be enough, never give justice to how grateful we all are!
The rest of my family is doing great too. Mom and I are both trying to tweak a few things in order to feel the best possible, but we will get there. My dad is enjoying having a semi healthy family. My sister is having a ball with her new condo and growing her own veggies...her cucumbers are tasty! Jeremy is starting to get ready for the school year and planning the next few months, he loved Atlanta and has some funny stories! Laila is, well, Laila. She is growing like a weed and has some pretty good lines...not sure where she comes from (ok, I know, I know, she acts just like me!)
I hope you are all doing as well as I am. Keeping my chin up, nails polished, and house semi-clean. I finally after months got my medical id bracelet fixed...big news for me. Also excited that I have been grabbing my camera and clicking away, and still have some more "appointments" to come...
Enjoy the last bit of summer!