I had a doctors appointment last week and I am still blown away with this whole breathing thing.
Every single number on all my tests went up. Although my oxygen "was only" at 98% on my walk, not the 100% I love to see. But Dr. Sonetti wasn't worried, especially because I walked an extra 100 steps from last time. I gained 2 pounds, my lung function went up 1% (for a total of 117%) and my chest Xray was clear. I learned I didn't need a bronc anytime soon, don't have to go to clinic for another 6 months, and am still a star transplant recipient. Such beautiful glitter.
I did have to gain two more doctors to the already long existing list. One is a skin doctor, just to check over everything since skin cancer is more prominent in transplanted people, and the longer I am out the more likely it can be. So, yes, I am a pale person all year round and when I do sit in the sun, I SPF up...and often. Its OK, pale is beautiful. A porcelain princess.
The other doctor, unfortunately, isn't for preventative reasons. My hearing has been pretty bad lately. I have to ask what about a million times, and ask the same question over again because I don't hear that a person responds. I can imagine thats pretty annoying, if you want that answer for sure...just ask Jeremy. There is always a low tone in my ears and a full feeling. I am hoping it can all be fixed. Plus its odd because I am not on any meds that should give alarm for this. But hopefully in a few months that will all be answered. So, in the mean time, just talk loudly around me HA HA!
On Sunday, September 27, Jeremy got a divine call to in Sun Prairie, WI. This is also where Jeremy served as Vicar. So many emotions have gone into the last few weeks. Please pray for Jeremy as he deliberates where best he can serve his Lord.
I am coming up on my second lungiversary and trying to figure out how to exactly celebrate. I feel it will be pretty low key this year, which is fine. Maybe we will finally go out to eat, like we were going to that night we got that call or eat the steak that we left thawing in the fridge. Its always fun to just be able to be normal, and do all those things healthy people do...so maybe I will celebrate by drinking coffee and running errands. Oh the normal life!!
Such beautiful glitter, indeed. :) We love hearing about your new normal life. <3 Will add your hearing to our prayers. Have been praying about your Peace calls. Happy celebrations, big and small! Love you!