Things I do to help me with my fight:
...I sleep curled into a ball and facing down with my tummy on my knees with about 4 pillows propping me up just so my chest can expand without so much weight on it.
...I try and bottle up the negative feelings I have for as long as I can in hopes that they will turn around (and for the most part they do!)
...I take TONS of medication and do my therapies.
...I sit by my phone. Sometimes I even just stare at it in hope that I can will it to ring :)
...I have my support system that I can go to when I need to.
...I am learning how sick I am and listening to my body a little more.
...I sit on oxygen even when I don't want to, so that my whole body can stop aching.
...I write my blog so that I can get things off my chest and down on "paper."
...I have a port.
...I smile even when I don't feel like it.
...I try and find the good in something, even when it seems like everything is bad.
...I write lists.
...I speak out and often about my CF and story so that hopefully awareness become huge.
...I pray
...I pray a lot
...I am accepting more and more help with things I can not do so easily.
...I eat just those extra few bites when I am able to. And I drink the chocolate shakes Jeremy brings home.
...I drink whole milk instead of my beloved 2%.
...I sit back and breathe deep just so the crackles can move for a while.
....I spit up blood and then relax.
...I cry.
...I laugh (when I am stronger than that cry!)
...I try and move on.
...I will go the extra week on antibiotics so that I can have a few weeks of feeling ok.
...I try and do as much as I can in my limits.
...I talk myself out of pain.
...I let my Dad tell me I am silly and that I am stronger than this.
...I daydream (ahhh oxygen in my lungs and sand under my feet!)
...I snuggle Laila instead of carrying her.
...I trust in my Lord. I have faith.
...try and live a normal life.
...I concentrate on how my nails look. If I am gonna feel bad, I am not gonna look bad!
...I think of things I want to get off my 100 things list.
...I repeat the motto "You gotta do what you gotta do when you gotta do it!"
...I accept that I am a CFer.
...I look at things in my life that wouldn't have happened if I had not had CF. I wouldn't have met Jeremy, had Laila, or gone to school with Tay.
...I look forward to something thats coming up.
...put on that brave face and tell CF where it can go :)
These are just a few things I do to help me with my fight. It may seem small, but all those things really do help when you just want to give up. Because I DO NOT WANT TO GIVE UP. I want to win this war, and the biggest battle in the one I am about to face. This is me and this is what I do. I am a CFer, but there is no way that I am CF itself! I am Cassie and I am a fighter!!
Cassie, I am praying for you! You will win the war! God will carry you through this. Funny, I came across your blog through the Mary Kay Makeover Contest. I am a consultant in Oregon, my daughter is 21 and has CF. We also believe in miracles and that God is in control of everything. Sometimes I don't understand why things are as they are, but I always remember...Romans 8:28.. All things work together for good, to those who love the Lord and all called according to His purpose. From what I have read of your blog, Jesus is your savior. This is all going to bring God the glory no matter what. We are created for His purpose and His glory. You are a beautiful child of the Living God and He hold you in His hands. May He bless you and you feel His presence. Always look to Him for strength. Praying - God bless you richly! Lisa
ReplyDeleteWow I couldn't have said it better!! So glad you messaged. I was so excited to win the money for the CFF. How is your daughter?