After a little visit and a one night stay they finally told me what they thought was wrong...they weren't sure.
I stayed overnight in order to run tests through the night and figure out what was going on. Nothing showed up in all the tests they did. All they knew was that the antibiotics were working, so they sent some orals home with me and said call if it doesn't get better. It did get better. I am just glad that I am healed up and my lungs never took a huge hit. Praise the Lord!
So, yes, I am doing better but not without getting side affects from the meds. I am so dryed out...like I had blisters on my hand because I was so dry. This winter just wasn't my winter. But again Praise the Lord that I survived it and warmer weather is coming. Windows are opened in our house and the germs are flying out.
This Saturday, Jeremy and I are talking to WELS nurses about our experience and how nurses made those times easier. I am looking forward to this one so much, not just because Jeremy will be there doing most of the talking (we all know I like to talk but I do get nervous) but because I love talking about my nurses. Heck, I named my lungs after 2 of them. Nurses work hard, next time you see one you should just thank them for all the work they do.
These next few months are so busy...so busy. And I am so excited for every part of them. Next week my Mom flys in to help with Laila's birthday party. Thats right everyone, my little turns the big 6 in a few weeks. Oh she is as sweet as ever but she is growing way too fast. But more about that later.
I am working on my 100 list but these things are taking time. I love that I can accomplish things. Where do you all think my sister and I should fly this summer to knock a number off my list?! My goal is to cross off about 10 by the end of the summer, so I guess I should be hitting it harder than I am. One of the easiest ones has really become a hard one...I can not cook Country Fried Steak. For real, it turns out nasty!! But I am still working on it, I have tried it about 6 times now and am so gun shy.
Hope everyone has enjoyed the last few days of nice weather. And I have convinced myself it isn't getting cold anymore...ha!
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