This house has had one crazy week.
We were able to spend a good chunk of time in Destin, FL for a family friends wedding. These are the type of family friends that you call "Aunt" and "Uncle" you the kids care share the same found memories of Shoneys with.
My sister, Angie, and our daughter, Laila, we both asked to be in the wedding. They all looked beautiful with the white sand and blue ways. It was so awesome to watch it all happen. One of those times you watch the father/daughter dance and tears come because you remember when you were 6 and vacationing with them, now we are all grown up.
The Tuesday before we left, Jeremy got a call (if you aren't sure this means, think of it, I guess, as a job offer) to a church in Norfolk, NE! Unreal. Exciting. Nerve raking. Plus many more emotions. The way he told we was actually kind of funny, the poor guy was getting so frustrating cause I was being my ditzy self. We have learned a ton about Norfolk, about Nebraska, and talk a ton about it during our 36 hours in the car. Please keep Jeremy and our family in your prayers while he deliberates. And thank you to everyone who has given us advice so far.
The last few days have caught up to me and I have been running a fever as high as 102. Thank goodness Jeremy could drive the entire way home because I kept falling asleep in the middle of a sentence. Today, I took a warm bath, medicated myself up, called the doctor, got on antibiotics, and the fever is down. Please pray that this will just take 10 days of pills, and I don't end up in the hospital again.
People may think I complain all the time, but I'm not. I'm just letting you know that even though I am blessed with a miracle in miracle with this gift. Transplant life is still very scary. One wrong cold, or pills not swallowed could mean a life...my life, and I fought too hard to be here. I can be fine today and in the hospital with pneumonia the next. I'm telling my story so that people can understand the real life behind it. The cold that Jer has, is a fever of 102 for me. There is no immune system, we transplant patients kill our in order to keep our organ happy where it is at. I'm not even that good of a patient, I try to live too much of a normal life.
Keep and eye out for a post tomorrow. I crossed off an awesome thing on my bucket list and have been thinking how to share it. But I am just going to do it! YAY!!
And I ask again to keep Jeremy in your prayers!
Let's see... wonder if the photo location gives a little hint! :) Beautiful. Glad for the update, as always. God bless your healing and Jer's deliberations. Love.