Well, Jeremy got his wish and got to go see the Tigers in a World Series game!!!...and sadly got crushed when San Fran ran away with the sweep that night. But he still had fun and took Laila and I back to Michigan for some R&R!
Yeap, I snuck back to Michigan with only a few people knowing. I don't do that often but this time it wasn't for ALL fun and giggles, but to hel up on my antibiotics and get some extra help with Laila since Jeremy is super busy all week. I do have a great family, don't I?!
My belly is full and I am getting cozy and about to go to bed soon (I am supposed to watch Hocus Pocus with Angie, but she is laying with Laila and my guess is going to fall asleep. I love that little cult classic and so not ashamed to say I watch it at least once a year around this time. "Come little children, I'll take thee away..." Haven't seen it? You probably won't like it if you didn't see it as a child..kinda silly.
Laila was able to carve 2 "Jack O'Lamps" as she calls them in the last 2 days. One with PaPop and one with Aunt Ang. Girl loves them and it was so nice to be able to enjoy watching her have fun but save my energy for a night of trying not to cough. HELLO ANTIBIOTCIS...kick in!! And she will have 4 or more adults with her on Halloween, so I don't have to feel like a guilt ridden mother for not taking her out as long as she will want. She is very very excited for Wednesday night!
My dad told me I worry too much. (Stop shaking your head yes, dad!) But I feel the things I worry about our pretty legit. Like getting turned down for a transplant, umm hello people it could happen. And then what, how do I tell people I am a failure that way. How do I tell Laila that? He told me I need to worry about problems for that day instead of borrowing worries. The lung transplant thing is an everyday worry until the day I am feeling better and healed up, and then I will STILL worry. Sorry pops!
Well, Angie didn't fall alseep so I am having a sissy movie night on the comfy couch with maybe some cheerios to wash down another anitibiotic. Hope you all have a trick or treating halloween and happy reformation!! Can't wait to see pictures and post some of mine!!