I get a ton of support from a ton of people, and as my story gets out there and people learn about it and what is going on
I may seem like a strong person on the inside but, certainly as of late, I have become such a sentimental softy. And you all have touched me so much with your words, texts, messages, donations, gifts, packages, emails, calls, letters and person to person conversations. Now there are tons of them have touched me in many ways but I just want to share a few that stick out right now:
"You are going to rock out the transplant." Alyssa
Every time I see my Grandma's name attached to anything related to this.
A gift that Laila got from a wonderful family (who knows just a little bit what its like...their daughter has been in my shoes before.) so that she could have something fun to do!
The dinners that people have made. Especially the meals that a Mom of a very brave CF fighter made and drove over to my house.
The bag I got from a family with everything I will need in the hospital after my transplant.
The paracord bracelets that a 1st grader and his mom are making in order to help raise money.
The chicken dinner that all of Peace really helped with. Without you guys I am not sure what we would do!
Seeing my name in blinking neon lights at the local dentist to show their support/
The penny I have taped to a post it saying "A 2nd grader found this and wanted to make sure you got it."
My just breathe bag.
The new Team Cassie bags.
Faith and Giggles for all their support and to help get the word out through the local paper.
People helping me cross off my 100 things list.
The article Jeremy wrote.
The many letters from around the US with words of encouragement and reminders.
"You are a strong and stubborn person, you are going to do very well with this transplant."
The list could really go on so much longer, but I need to cut it off. Thank you all very much for everything you have done for me and my family. Everyone in Michigan for everything you do with the Team Cassie things and when I go back to hear how many people read my blog ITS CRAZY! To see everyone I have known since I was a little girl work hard to help raise money because they want me to outgrow them. My family for the moral support and knowing when I am blue and mostly knowing what I need to hear.
For everyone here in Hartford and at Peace. I am have said it before and will say it again. You all are amazing and have humbled us very much. We thank God for putting us in this area where people want to help as much as they can and will work hard because they know I want to live. The city and church are crazy supporters and I love when people come up just to tell me that they are thinking of me and they want to help because they are. It could be so hard and it would be another thing to stress about without you.
Please know that I cherish everything that happens and that I will always feel very blessed by what is going on, even if it doesn't always come out clearly.
I am hoping that I get the call soon (as I pause and stare at my phone trying to will it to ring.) And I hope that I can rejoice with all of you after I am transplanted and healed. Here I sit tonight, yet again, feeling blue because I am not sure when the time will be here. Yet, I can be happy to know that when it does I will still continue to get so much support from you all. This many not be beating CF, but it sure is showing it that I am not going to stop...no matter how hard I get beat up!
Thank you all again. Much love!
MORE LOVE back at you! Almost sent you a txt late last night to let you know we were praying for you. Every day. Hugs to the Husbys!