Yeah! Tues is here and over and it was a great CF day in Madison for this girl (is there such a thing as a good CF day?! The answer is YES when you are at a certain point!)
I got to meet with the surgeon who has a 50% chance of doing my transplant and it was good to see a face and ask questions to a person who will be in the room and be handling the lungs that are going in (and out) of my body. The man who has had a hand in so many of these things and seemed so confidant in what he was doing. Meeting him was another step closer to being on the list.
Then off to the ENT my family and I went for the appointment that the team said I should have before being on the list. I will skip all the details of the appointment and tell you all the good news that I do NOT need to have sinus surgery. There isn't much to clean up there in terms of being on the great list or not. WOO HOO and another step closer to being on the list.
After that quick visit we headed off to the Pulm lab to have my PICC pulled and to sign consent form on the transplant surgery. My lungs are up to a 28%, I gained 2 pounds (now putting my up to 99) and we talked about the port (which I am getting later in May), and got my 3 vaccines I needed for the great list. My transplant coordinator was there to talk about the lungs I could get and to have me sign papers, it was nice to see her again and have her tell me I did a great job as a patient. So there it was the last step I need to be on the list.
Now is a waiting game for another week to get the call with a huge YES you are an official member of the transplant list. And I sit here as anxious as ever, with my emotions at an ultimate high. The entire month of April CF was thrown in my face and I am so excited to see it go. See you later April showers and bring on those May flowers!!!
There are so many exciting fundraisers in the works to help with the cost of the upcoming transplant (just talked to some awesome people today that want to set one up!) and I want to thank ALL of you who are willing to spend their time and hard work to help my family out. As well to all of those who come and support the fundraisers themselves. PLUS next weekend in the Great Strides walk in Ann Arbor and I am thrilled to be heading that way with some oxygen to help raise money!
You are such an amazing inspiration to so many people! Keep your spirits high, you CAN do this!!!