It has been a few crazy weeks, thats for sure. As you all know the evaluation is all over and so far so good with the results. We will hopefully find out more tomorrow.
I am sitting in a comfy chair with comfy clothes on, eating candy, drinking milk and sucking down some good oxygen. Yeap, my O2 showed up today and boy does it feel amazing to get the good stuff into my body again. I mean, it feels so much better than most of you could imagine. I am not sure how I went so long without the help of it. So if you see my around wearing my gear, don't worry I am feeling good and happy to be out walking around and doing the normal things easier again!
For those of you who may have seen it, I went to the ER (in Michigan) this past Friday. My right rib had been hurting so badly that my mom, the nurses in Madison, and yes me too, thought my gallbladder was acting up and I needed to have it removed. Even some people in the ER were pretty sure. PHEW...that was a false alarm. Thanks to Jer Jon for jumping in the car ASAP to be by my side. But they did say that my rib was bruised from gagging so hard on those 2 tubes down my throat during the eval. I guess its kind of a long and painful road to recovery on a bruised rib, but at least I know what it is now.
Tomorrow I go in for another PICC and am very much looking forward to 2 weeks from right now...when I will have the infection on the back burner and oxygen down deep in these beautiful deteriorated lungs of mine. No more headaches, dizziness, hurting eyes, purple nails, or crackling lungs (at least for awhile!)
Looking forward to having life settle down and get back to normal!
Some family pics we got taken while in MI:

The Husbys!

The Zells!
Hi Cassie, I forget how I came across your info, but I've been following you on Facebook. I'm cheering and praying for you from Rapid City, SD. Glad the O2 arrived and that it's helping you feel better. I have a 2 1/2 yr old little boy, Fischer, with CF. He has a page on Facebook too, Team Fischer. Hope things settle down for you and return to normal soon. Take Care! Sarah (PS Beautiful family!)
ReplyDeleteVERY nice fun family photos! Great colors, poses, faces... :) SO GLAD to hear the O's are helping you feel good. Will pray for PICC line to go smoothly, too. Love from Mt Pleasant. xo