...So this is what happened on my way home from Madison! I know, I know, you can't tell from the picture. But thats because I couldn't get a picture. But this was a moment later!
I SAW AN EAGLE IN THE WILD! I am pretty sure it was a gift from God, because I have taken that trip many times back and forth over the last few years and never even knew eagles lived there. But there is was, an eagle...in the wild.
I was just driving and groovin' to my tunes while my child was napping and I saw this bird go in for some road kill. So I was like, "Geesh this vulture needs to move. Huh...I didn't know vultures claws did that. WOAH, thats so not a vulture." I slammed on my breaks and like screamed! Too bad nobody was around to see it with me (well, Laila was there but obviously you can see by the picture she was sleeping...)
It was amazing. They are beautiful!! I totally think America has a wonderful symbol in that big bird. Eagles always remind me of my grandpa Doddie! I am getting excited all over just thinking about it, and now I want to see another one. EEE!! Another unexpected cross of the old list...#5. See an eagle in the wild
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