Look at her...RIDING A PONY!! Laila loooooved this way too much! And this was just part of an awesome day.
It all started with sleeping in until 7:30 and being able to get myself ready while my beautiful daughter slept in even longer. Even though I was hooked up to my medicine the entire time, it was great to be able to wash my face, brush my teeth, do my makeup and all that stuff without a little shadow! (Yes, I love my little shadow but as all those moms...and dads...know sometimes its nice to be able to do things by yourself.)
Off to Madison Laila and I went to get my picc line pulled. The whole ride over all Laila talked about was how she wanted to see a pony and pet one, and maybe even ride one. The funny thing is she had no idea what was in store for her, I hadn't told her anything but that I was going to take her to give her a surprise. I like to think that maybe we are so much a like that we can read each others minds...but I know its just her seeing a horse and talking about it.
I blew my PFT and the numbers stayed the same, but since I was feeling so well and able to breathe better they said they would pull it. I was very excited because it meant getting my arm and skin back after 2 weeks. I itched and rubbed and ahhh did it feel good. (But now it is so entirely sore it brought me to a few tears...yeap I'm not as strong as many of you think!) Laila watched as they pulled and she did a great job. She stood by my feet and asked a bunch of questions..."does it hurt momma?" And the cutest part was when the nurse told me to take a deep breath and hold it, well, Laila did it too. Def gonna be a little nurse or doctor. Love her.
Then off to Christys house to ride horses. Laila was so excited her little body couldn't sit still! She even got to brush Reba and get her ready for her saddle. So we went to the ring...or merry go round if you speak in the language of Laila...to ride her. She couldn't stop smiling!! She had a blast and rode for about an hour before we peeled her off, which lead to tears and being able to see the other horses and sit on Reba again.

Christy, thank you so much for spoiling Laila (...and me) and giving us a wonderful time today. I am pretty sure she has the pony riding bug now. Maybe she should ask Daddy one for Christmas!
After a few more goodbyes we headed toward home when all of a sudden out of the blue I got to be able to cross something off my bucket list....stayed tuned :)
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