Holy Cow! I have had over 5,000 views on this blog. I am seriously blown away. Thanks everyone for reading, I must not have bored you yet!
I am still feeling pretty stinking good and I am working on keeping up my weight. Thanks to Wal*Mart and their nice sale on cereal right now, I can't stop eating. Nor can I keep my cereal stock, well...stocked. I still don't have any crackles in my lungs YAY. My arm itches a little less YAY. Still have some energy YAY. Was able to get everything done on my to do list (mostly) YAY. And I have been able to keep up with my house very well super YAY!! Thanks to everyone for all the thought and prayers the last few weeks. It was nice to hear from all of you, I need support more than I lead on to.
I am pretty excited because Jeremy and I are helping Laila's school with a Cystic Fibrosis fundraiser. This includes talking to the kids and teaching them a little about CF. And because its a huge hit, my vest is a must to get the young ones to remember and talk about it. I am trying hard to think of a way to get Laila involved...when I am gone (whether it be in 1 year or 20) I want her to be wonder speaker and rep for CF. Get the awareness out and be able to tell her story. Start them out young right?! (Although last time I got her involved she stood in front of the crowd and started to take her dress off...sigh...)
After this weekend (which is so busy I am pretty sure if I blink I will miss it!) I am going to take a look at my list and get a few more things checked off. I have a few in progress, you can check the list to see what I am doing if you care to, but really want to nail some down. I have a few in mind so watch out.
Tomorrow is picture day for preschool and I worried too much about it. Its more pressure on a parent than I thought! Do you go timeless? Or do you go with whats in style? What color do you do? Now what about the hair? Ok that last question has to be revised a little...Now what about LAILA'S hair?! Thats something to think about when we wake up. But I let her pick from an option of 3. And no, it doesn't have purple or glitter...I am just as shocked as you are!!
Well, cereal is calling my name and I am going to get some progress done on my 100 things list (you may ask what it is...just wait a week or two and I will fill you in!!)
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