So I know that I am not able to cross this off my list yet since this is only one...and I want 3...but it's a start! I GOT A TATTOO!
Ever since we were kids my parents (and us too) would sing "You are my Sunshine" and now I get to sing it to Laila every night before she goes to bed. We have a VHS (Yes, kids I said VHS) of the two of us at the age of 3 and 5 singing this song; and boy oh boy does it show exactly what our childhood was like. Angie being the mature child and taking it so serious and there is blonde curly haired dip of a Cass trying to annoy the heck out of her sister (Hmmm...not much has changed!) So needless to say this song carries on many memories for me, so why not get it on my body right...always to cherish and have. I call this tat my "Sister Tat"...YOU MAKE ME HAPPY WHEN SKIES ARE GRAY tattooed in my sisters handwriting and she has the same saying in my handwiriting on her body. A tattoo is forever and so is a sister like mine. I had such a blast doing this with her (I wont go into the details on how well each of of did during the process HEHE.) But now no matter what, my sister and I have a little permant piece of eachother that nobody, or NOTHING, can take away.
As a little side note when I told my Mom what were getting done and the saying we picked she asked me why...well, I told her the truth, of course, "Many chilhood memories for Angie and I, and shes always there for me...even when skies are gray!" Totally correct! But the awesome part was her telling me the reason she started to sing the song to me as a baby: because I was her "sunshine" and she didn't want her sunshine to be taken away from her. And here is her sunshine 29 years later!
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